We are proud to offer a wide range of summer camps for all ages. All of our camps exist to serve one common mission - to encourage a faith relationship with Jesus Christ. FIND A CAMPregister now
Registration is live now for Summer 2024!
We’re crafting safe, fun, encounters with God and each other all summer long. Camp has a lasting positive impact on participants and their families.
It’s what we love. It’s what we’re built for. We’re moving forward into a fresh season of ministry at Park River Bible Camp. Participant numbers are growing, staff are preparing and praying, and parents and families like yours are making the choice to create time and space for your kids and yourselves to give your faith a jolt while enjoying the hospitality and creativity of a place with decades of experience making summers like this one impactful, safe, and fun.
Summer Programs
We’d love to see you at camp, whether this is your first time, or your 100th. We’ve designed a summer full of incredible experience for youth from preschool-12th grade. Read the details for each summer program option below, and then get your registration started! Keep reading for more information about discounts, camperships, summer events, and special activities at camp.
To get started, click on an age group to filter camp options by age, then explore all that PRBC has to offer during the incredible summer of ministry ahead. As always, if you have questions or would like to talk about camp offerings, details, campership options, and more, please contact the office.
Action Steps
Use the buttons below to take key summer camp next steps.
Discounts and Camperships
It is our commitment that every child can afford to attend Park River Bible Camp. Because of generous gifts designated for this purpose, we are able to offer camperships to those in need of them. Many churches also provide camperships. To begin the campership process download the campership form. Contact camp to learn about the specific discounts and camperships offered this summer.

Our Summer Theme
“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; that I know very well.”
PSALM 139:14
Free. Authentic. Brave. Disciples. Disruptive.
We are loved and accepted by God even before we enter this world. The fact that God knows our innermost selves is mind-boggling at the very least. Even when we feel alone and unseen, God sees us and knows us, never leaving our side. Maybe even more brain-bending is that we need not do anything or prove one single thing to receive God’s free gift of grace.
Each of our five sessions gives us an opportunity to explore more deeply the authentic selves God has created us to be. We will learn what it means to be siblings in Christ—humans who are brave enough to encourage and stand up for each other, sharing burdens as well as joys. We grow and learn more about ourselves while listening to and sharing with each other.
Special Activities
We've got some special spaces at camp built for fun, adventure, and experience learning. We're committed to creating safe space to explore ourselves, the world, and who God has made us to be. The permission forms will be filled out as part of your online registration process. If joining as a separate activity, be sure to download and complete the permission form.
High Ropes Course
All 7th-9th Grade Classic and Senior High Campers will have a high ropes session as part of the camp program. There is no extra cost for this, but individual campers may opt out. If you're registering for camp, you'll fill out the permission form online during registration. If you're coming with a group, download the form below and bring it along.
Campers attending 7th-9th Grade Classic, 6th Grade Adventure, and Senior High Camp will have the option of participating in paintball. There is a $35 activity fee for this activity. If you're registering for camp, you'll fill out the permission form online during registration. If you're coming with a group, download the form below and bring it along.
Climbing Tower
Campers attending 7th-12th Grade camps will have the option of scaling the Climbing Tower during afternoon activities. There is a $20 activity fee for this. If you're registering for camp, you'll fill out the permission form online during registration. If you're coming with a group, download the form below and bring it along.