The summer of 2012 at Park River Bible Camp is going to see some additions to its program. One of those additions is a complete overhaul of our CIT (Counselor in Training) program.
Essentially, we’ve decided to scrap the CIT program and develop something completely new in its place. At this point we are simply calling it Discipleship Camp. This camp will run an entire week, Sunday to Friday, and is available for those having finished 10th to 12th Grade.
The intent of this camping session is to give 10th to 12th graders theological, leadership and ministry training within the context we know best: summer camp.
Our vision is to limit registration to one cabin of guys and one cabin of girls so as to create a close environment and to give youth concentrated attention. Those who finish the week may then be eligible to return later in the summer to act as an assistant counselor alongside one of our trained counselors to put their Discipleship Camp training into practice. Below is the summer brochure writeup on the new camp. I hope you consider joining us for Discipleship Camp!
Discipleship Camp
June 24-29
Offered new this summer is a ministry training week for students having completed 10th-12th grade. This training will combine elements of camp life along with theological instruction designed to prepare students for ministry. Students having successfully completed this week may be eligible to serve as an assistant counselor during any of the following 2012 summer sessions with the exception of senior high week. As a counselor’s assistant you will have the opportunity to lead a Bible study and evening devotion along with other activities. Space for this camp is limited.
Cost: $214 if registered by May 1st, $234 after May 1st.