by Park River Bible Camp | May 7, 2012 | Blog
Early in our text this morning John tells us, “Whoever does not love does not know God.” How does one know if they love others according to God’s standards? If someone does do well in loving others, what happens if they slip up and show an act of un-love? Does that...
by Park River Bible Camp | Apr 30, 2012 | Blog
You try to do something nice for a guy, try to proclaim the gospel and pronounce healing and forgiveness over him and what do they do? They bring you to court. Being only weeks removed from the death of their beloved Jesus, the experience must have been somewhat...
by Park River Bible Camp | Apr 23, 2012 | Blog
Waiting around in the upper room must have been awful for the disciples. But what do you do after the man you’ve followed and dedicated your life to for the last three years is brutally killed. After the first few hours, reflecting on the whole event must have been...
by Park River Bible Camp | Mar 26, 2012 | Blog
This morning’s passage from John has more than its fair share of paradoxes; statements that seem contrary to common understanding. The most obvious and confusing one is when Jesus tells us that those who love their life will lose it and those who hate it will keep...
by Park River Bible Camp | Mar 12, 2012 | Blog
Today we are going to talk about Jesus Christ and his signs. Signs are very important. Road signs may tell us the legal speed limit or inform us that we must stop at an intersection. Signs on stores give us clues as to what sort of products we might expect to find...